verb 53
  • a)
    to even (out), to smooth (out), to straighten

    Tazāntõb, tī’eb tǟnda tikkiž knaššõ tazīzõks.
    [One] smooths [it] out, makes it all nicely even.

    Mǭdõ tazāntõb, jo’vḑi, ne’i ku ta u’m ī’dlimi, ta’zzi.
    Land is evened out, flour [is evened out], so it is even, smooth.

  • b)
    to compare
  • c)
    to compensate, to reimburse, to repay

    kuņtš sa līd perīz pīentiz rǭ’ jarā tazāntõn
    until you will have repaid the last piece of change

noun 313
  • comparison