verb 36
  • to catch

    vi’zzõ akkõ
    to catch, to capture

    A’ž sa tǭ’d rištīngtõ akkõ, si’nnõn u’m vakțõmõst un vērgõmõst.
    If you want to catch a person, you have to watch and scout [them] out.

    Kaš akūb īr vi’zzõ.
    The cat catches the mouse.

verb 36
  • a)
    to grab hold of, to stick to

    jū’rõ akkõ
    to attack ~ to become attached to

    Akūb mi’nnõn ne’iku pīrgal silmõ.
    [It] sticks to me like a splinter in the eye.

    Akkõks immõr ka’ggõlõ.
    [S/he] would throw their arms around someone's neck.

    Rujā akūb ī’dtuoiz jū’rõ.
    Some people are catching the illness.

    Rujā akīz mi’nnõn.
    I caught the illness.

    Duņtš ä’b ak, u’m tȭlza.
    The dagger does not strike, [it] is blunt.

  • b)
    to grab, to grab onto

    vi’zzõ akkõ
    to become attached to

    Ma akūb pū’zõ vi’zzõ, ku ma ä’b sadā.
    I am grabbing onto the tree so that it does not fall down.

    Sa akūd sīe a’mmõn vi’zzõ.
    You are grabbing hold of that shirt.

  • c)
    to be having a good catch [of fish]

    Sǟ’l amā jõvīst akūb.
    The best catch is over there.

  • d)
    to catch onto, to trip

    Sīen jālga ä’b ak.
    His foot does not catch.