A’b tu’ļ õigiz āigal.
The help came at just the right time.Kilāro’v a’b kuo’igmī’edõn tu’ļ aigstiz.
The help from the village folk reached the sailors in time.Kielk Tiļļõstõks āndizt ī’dtuoizõn a’bbõ.
Kielk and Tiļļõst helped each other.Ta vȯtšūb mi’nstõ (~ mi’n jūstõ) a’bbõ.
He is expecting help from me.
Pǟ u’m abūd va’isõ si’zzõl vie’dtõd.
[One's] shoulders are hunched.
to one’s aid
a’bbõl kǟ’dõ
to go helpa’bbõl lǟ’dõ
to go helpa’bbõl nuttõ
to ask someone to helpa’bbõl vȱlda
to be of help to someoneA’bbõl!
Help!Ma võtīz tä’m eņtšõn a’bbõl.
I took him to help me (as an aid or assistant).Ta kǟ’b muntõn a’bbõl.
He is on his way to help others.
a’bbõndõks mīez
a man with a beard, a bearded mana’bbiņi a’jjõ
to shave one's beard
hair salon, barber shop
a beard hair
a’bbõrz pū
fragile wooda’bbõrd tēgald
fragile bricks
ABC-book, primer
a’bjelāmizt murdõ
to commit adulterya’bjelāmizt rikkõ
to commit adultery
a)help, aid, assistance
Vanātǭți vȯļ āinaāigal sūr a’bli.
Grandfather was a great help during haytime. -
direktor abli
director's assistant
scapula, shoulder bladeanat
a (married) man
a (married) woman