Learning materials

Seis līvõ kīel stuņḑõ

(Seven Livonian lessons)

This series of videos provides basic information about the Livonian language, culture and history. Each video of the series examines a specific topic, for example, the interaction of the Livonian and Latvian languages and the sound of the Livonian language; language contacts and relatedness; counties inhabited by Livonians and their place names; the current heritage of the Livonians in Latvia, etc.

Lesson 1 | Seis līvõ kīel stuņḑõ – 1. stuņḑ

Lesson on Livonian No 1: Who are the Livonians?

Seven Livonian language lessons – Lesson 2 | Seis līvõ kīel stuņḑõ – 2. stuņḑ

Lesson on Livonian No 2: The Sounds of Livonian

Seven Livonian language lessons – Lesson 3 | Seis līvõ kīel stuņḑõ – 3. stuņḑ

Lesson on Livonian No 3: Colors in Livonian

Seven Livonian language lessons – Lesson 4 | Seis līvõ kīel stuņḑõ – 4. stuņḑ

Lesson on Livonian No 4: Livonian place names

Seven Livonian language lessons – Lesson 5 | Seis līvõ kīel stuņḑõ – 5. stuņḑ

Lesson on Livonian No 5: Relations in Livonian

Seven Livonian language lessons – Lesson 6 | Seis līvõ kīel stuņḑõ – 6. stuņḑ

Lesson on Livonian No 6: Numbers in Livonian

Seven Livonian language lessons – Lesson 7 | Seis līvõ kīel stuņḑõ – 7. stuņḑ

Lesson on Livonian No 7: The Livonians in Latvia

Op līvõ kīeldõ!

(Study Livonian!)

Livonian language learning materials for beginners in video format “Op līvõ kīeldõ!” (“Learn Livonian!”). 10 lessons are available in the first stage. After learning them, you will be able to briefly talk about yourself, ask your interlocutor to talk about themselves, give basic information about other people and use polite phrases. Each video lesson is accompanied by printable learning materials to improve writing skills and reinforce what was learned in the lesson.

I am / Minā um – lesson 1

I am / Minā um – lesson 2

Hllo! / Tēriņtš! – lesson 3

How are you? / Kui jelād? - lesson 4

My family / Min aim – lesson 5

Numbers and time / Lugūd ja kīela – lesson 6

Numbers and age / Lugūd ja āigastõd – lesson 7

I live/ Ma jelāb – lesson 8

Myself and others / Minā ja munt – lesson 9

Sounds of Livonian / Nei kilūb līvõ kēļ – lesson 10

Lōla īņõ ja op līvõ kīeldõ!

(Sing along and study Livonian)

7 newly created original songs in the Livonian language for children and youngsters, as well as anyone else interested. The videos of the songs are supplemented with subtitles in the Livonian language, translations of the songs in Latvian and sheet music (here), which will allow anyone interested both to learn to sing in the Livonian language, to feel the sound of the language and to learn useful words. They will serve as a useful aid for those who teach the Livonian language, including parents.

"Lēba" (Bread)

Author: Julgī Stalte, Lelū Stalte. Singers: Julgī Stalte, Lelū Stalte.

"Vērmõd" (Colors)

Author: Ulla Fraser. Singers: Ulla Fraser, Ģirts Gailītis.

"Tējizt" (Doers)

Author: Julgī Stalte, Lelū Stalte. Singers: Julgī Stalte, Lelū Stalte, Anna Kī Stalte, Kārlis Oskars Stalte.

"Ku ma randõ lǟb" (When I Go to the Coast)

Author: Ulla Fraser. Singers: Ulla Fraser, Ģirts Gailītis.

"Lugūd" (Numbers)

Author: Julgī Stalte, Lelū Stalte. Singers: Julgī Stalte, Lelū Stalte, Anna Kī Stalte, Kārlis Oskars Stalte.

"Ūomõg um" (Morning)

Author: Ulla Fraser. Singers: Ulla Fraser, Ģirts Gailītis.

"Mis kītõbõd lūomõd" (What Animals Are Saying)

Author: Julgī Stalte, Lelū Stalte. Singers: Julgī Stalte, Lelū Stalte, Anna Kī Stalte.