Livonians are an officially recognized indigenous people of Latvia. Having in most part merged with Latvians and left significant impact on the Latvian language, culture and identity, Livonians have also managed to sustain their unique language, heritage and identity in a living tradition up until today.
The Livonian language and culture resource platform “” developed by University of Latvia Livonian Institute is devoted to the digitalization and collection of the Livonian language, culture and heritage, to the extraction of data and creation of digital tools for the Livonian language and culture, as well to provide Livonian data to researchers and general public.
The platform currently contains a number of interconnected resources from Livonian vocabulary to morphological data, geospatially attributed Livonian place name data, a Livonian language corpus, text and sound collections, and other data.
The platform is accessible both for public use, and for researchers (via login). In addition to the information displayed publicly, researchers can also gain access to the sensitive data, variations, unprocessed data and data restricted for public display.
The platform and it’s contents have been developed as part of State Research programme projects “Multifunctional dictionary of Livonian” (VPP-LETONIKA-2021/2-0002; 2021–2024) and “Towards Development of Open and FAIR Digital Humanities Ecosystem in Latvia” (VPP-IZM-DH-2022/1-0002; 2022–2025).
Earlier platform has been developed as part of State Research Programme projects “Digital Resources for Humanities: Integration and Development” (VPP-IZM-DH-2020/1-0001; 2020–2022), and “Livonian Language” (VPP-IZM-2018/2-0002; 2019–2021). Geospatialy linked Livonian place nama data base has been developed as part of the Fundamental and Applied Research Project “Documenting and Mapping Livonian Place Names and Creating an Official Place Name Register” (LZP-2019/1-0240; 2020–2022). See more on UL Livonian Institute’s site